The representation of the document at the screen is not right with that
Final-expression in agreement. The side-relationship is not correct at all!
About an image of the later expression in the right side-relationship
at the monitor, to represent, one proceeds as follows:
Side-relationship of the visible part of the monitor decides.
for example: MBreite=270mm; MH�he=200mm
MVerh�ltnis = MBreite/MH�he = 270mm/200mm = 1.35
Side-relationship of the Bilschirmaufl�sung decides.
BBreite=1280 Pixels; BH�he=512 Pixels (SuperHighres Interlace)
BVerh�ltnis = BBreite/BH�he/2 = 1280/512/2 = 1.25
Now one goes into the menu: Opinion | Voreinsteller -\> ad.
The relationship of horizontal and vertical Anzeige-DPI immediately must
is the relationship of the monitor.
for example: Horizontally = 152 DPIS
Vertically = Horizontal/MVerh�ltnis/BVerh�ltnis
= 152 DPIS / 1.35 / 1.25
= 90 DPIS
�Sichern �doesn't forget!
Now the representation also agrees with that of the Audruckes.
Converted on 21 Feb 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by